TimeBits Time tracker for monday.com is the ultimate integrated time tracking and time entry solution for monday.com. Whether you’re managing a small team or a large organization, TimeBits simplifies the process of recording time spent on tasks, approving entries, and generating insightful reports.
The app can be installed by administrators of your monday.com account by installing ‘TimeBits Timetracker’ directly from the monday.com marketplace.
To start using TimeBits, you must add it to a workspace. You can create a new workspace or choose a workspace you already created.
After installing the app, you must add TimeBits views to your workspaces. This can be done via the usual process using monday.com Marketplace or by using a template.
If you want to experience all the capabilities of TimeBits Timetracker, we recommend using ‘TimeBits template’ that you can find in monday.com Template Center.
This template already has all the necessary views in place, together with pre-filled template projects and pre-set integrations and automations. Either add this template by clicking on the ‘+’ button in your board and searching for ‘TimeBits’, or use ‘Apps’ as shown below.
The ‘TimeBits Projects’ board allows you to manage your projects, create & assign tasks and assign managers to your tasks.
Once your project is ready to start, mark the status as working on it and it will be automatically moved to ‘In Progress Projects’
(Your team can only add time entries to in progress projects)
Access the TimeBits app on your workspace
You must enter start & end times or select the ‘All day’ option to submit your entry successfully
You select the ‘All day’ option and update the hours spent on a task
An ‘All day’ task does not require either the start time or end time
This allows you to create entries that span multiple days, with the ability to specify different start and end dates, hours spent, all-day status, and split hours. Upon submission, entries will be divided according to the number of days, with each day assigned equal hours.
To enter an entry with split hours,
This allows you to create multi-day tasks with a consistent start and end date, hours spent, all-day status, and span hours. These entries will appear as a block on the calendar view, reflecting the entire span.
To enter an entry with span hours:
The TimeBits app provides various ways to view your time entries
Time entries in ‘In Approval’ and ‘Rejected’ statuses can be edited and updated.
*Note: Users can only edit entries that they submitted
Users who have been designated as managers or delegate managers to projects can access the manager view to approve or reject time entries submitted for those projects.
To access the manager view, click on the ‘Manager view’ button on the app
The manager’s view shows you the time entries awaiting your approval for projects you manage. From this view, you can approve or reject individual entries or approve/reject entries in bulk.
To approve or reject a single time entry, look for buttons labeled “Approve” and “Reject” positioned near the individual time entry.
Click the appropriate button based on your decision:
The chosen action (approve/reject) will be updated to the selected entry and the entry will be removed from your approval queue.
Entries will appear on the Calendar ‘View Mode’ with the updated status.
Rejected entries can be edited/ updated and resubmitted for your approval.
To approve/reject multiple time entries simultaneously, tick the checkboxes next to each time entry you wish to approve/reject in the approval queue.
Depending on your desired outcome, click either “Bulk Approve” to approve all selected entries or “Bulk Reject” to reject them.
The status of these entries will be updated, and they will be removed from your approval queue.
This app contains folders required to keep it running smoothly. Do not attempt to make changes to the boards/folders labelled ‘Do Not Edit’